This course presents an introduction to the decommissioning lifecycle from late life planning through to execution and end state, including key areas such as legislation and the regulatory regime, environmental considerations, asset management, project planning and execution, wells decommissioning, recycling and disposal, financial reporting, and cost estimation as well as existing, and upcoming opportunities and challenges.
The course is offered in-person only and will offer attendees the opportunity to learn from and connect with presenters who are experts across a range of decommissioning specialist areas.
This course is open to anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of oil and gas decommissioning in Australia.
Scope of Learning
10 Modules – 15 Lectures – over two days:
- Introduction to Decommissioning
- Law, Regulations and Legislation
- Wells Decommissioning
- Facility & Subsea Decommissioning
- Asset Management, Decom Planning and Execution
- Cost Estimation, Financial Reporting & Tax
- Environmental Plans & Research
- Comparative Assessment & Reuse, Repurposing
- Disposal & Recycling Pathways, Circular Economy
- Australia’s Decommissioning Challenges & Opportunities – Way Forward
By the end of the course you’ll have...
- A deeper appreciation of the complexities, opportunities and challenges associated with the current and upcoming decommissioning workload facing Australia.
- An understanding of Australian environmental regulatory framework and how it applies to decommissioning oil and gas assets.
- Connected with presenters who are experts across a range of decommissioning specialist areas.
- Gained an overview and understanding of international and regional law relating to decommissioning.
- Recognised the requirements and processes for the onshore dismantling of decommissioned assets, including disposal and recycling pathways.
- Examined the environmental, legal, economic, and health and safety aspects of decommissioning.
- Gained an appreciation of the well decommissioning practices in Australia compared with other oil and gas regions of the world.
- Obtained a high-level understanding of the key decommissioning planning and execution activities and decisions - pre and post COP to relinquishment.
- Total of 15 hours of in person visual and verbal learning, fully facilitated by a range of industry professionals and experts.
- A digital certificate of attendance for all participants.
- Catering, including morning and afternoon tea and lunch.
David Christensen
Prof. Grantley Taylor
Continuing Professional Development
Your employer or professional institute may recognise this course for CPD hours. Talk to your employer or institute to find out more.
For enquiries regarding the course, please email