
Harald Linga (SWIPA Director) will provide an overview of SWIPA and its current projects, alongside leading researchers Nils Opedal, Hazzaz Bin Yousuf, Sissel Viig, and Victor Nogueira Lima.

Together, they will share insights into:

  • Robustness testing of well barrier materials.
  • P&A aspects on settled barite.
  • Leakage monitoring of plugged wells with tracers.
  • Insights into barrier materials and their placement.

Register now for this free webinar and gain insights directly from leading researchers.


Francis Norman

Centre of Decommissioning Australia (CODA)

Harald Linga


Nils Opedal


Hazzaz Bin Yousuf

University of Stavanger (UiS)

Sissel Opsahl Viig

Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)

Victor Nogueira Lima


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